Purchasing Power

a blog about shopping smarter


Frying pan, cooking pot, tomatoes, basil, pasta, garlic, salt pepper
Let’s Get Cooking: Save Money By Making Food at Home
When I was growing up, eating out was a special treat. And it involved certain unofficial rituals. One of which was that, at some point during the meal, my mother would declare that...
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hot chocolate
Real Life Experience: Saving on Tax at the Coffee Shop
As part of Purchasing Power, I want to give you the occasional anecdote to illustrate some of the points I discuss in the blog as I have experienced them in real life. Here is the first...
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Asparagus in September: 5 Politicians and Their Misguided Food Experiment
In September 2022, five MPPs from the province of Ontario announced their intention of going on a two-week “social assistance diet.” In an effort (some say publicity stunt) to raise...
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snack size chocolate bars for sale: Coffee Crisp, Aero, and Smarties
Aw Nuts! The Snack Tax in Canada
If you live in Canada, you may or may not already be aware that the government does not tax our groceries. However, what you consider groceries and what the government considers groceries...
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world map made out of coins
How Understanding Your Local Sales Tax Can Help You Save on Groceries
Did you know that many countries have different sales tax rates for different kinds of food? Did you realize that you can cut food costs simply by being more aware of how much...
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green shopping basket
A Basket Case: Spend Less By Reducing Your Carrying Capacity
Today’s shopping tip follows a logic you might already be familiar with from other areas of life as apparently dissimilar as hiking and dieting: only use a container (whether a backpack,...
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Whether you have questions, want to share some of your own tips, or just feel like saying hi, I’d love to hear from you!